Friday, February 19, 2010

Being Green in Your Home Can Save You Money!

By: Ed G
Source: Ezine Articles

We are all aware that being green is in the news these days. With the climate talks just recently in Copenhagen green issues have become a global concern. Since most of us are not directly affected by global warming, it is difficult to get people on board to go green. So here is a more practical reason to green up your life - it saves you money! It doesn't take a drastic change in your present lifestyle to make a big difference in your wallet. Small changes in your normal routine can make a big difference in the amount of "green" that stays in your pockets.

Here are some easy ways to save....

Saving water can save you green. Just by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, you can save over 200 gallons of water each month. How much would that save you on your water/sewer bill? There are lots of ways to go green in your home and keep more "green" in your wallet! Fix leaky facets and toilets - one drip every second can waste over 3,000 gallons a year.

Install a programmable thermostat - This can save you green year-round on one your largest bills, heating and air conditioning. Make sure your house is insulated properly so you keep the heat in your house. Drafty windows and doors can also waste heat and air conditioning!

Save electricity by unplugging unused electronics. Many products still draw power even when they are not turned on. These items can contribute up to 25% of your electric bill! Save more "green" - turn off the lights when you leave a room. Use cold water when doing the laundry. Buy Energy Star appliances. Install compact fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs use 75% less energy and save you up to $30 over the life of the bulb. More "green" saved!

For more information on "going green" and saving "green" in your home, visit

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