Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving? What to Leave Behind

Provided By: Realty Times

Congratulations on selling your home! Now comes the "fun" part of packing up all those clothes, toys, and pots and pans. It's a lot of working rounding up all the items you need to take with you, but what about the things that stay behind?

There are items that you are either contractually obligated to leave or those that would be kind to leave the new owners.

Let's take a look at these leave-behind items.

  • Appliances: Leaving appliances behind may have been part of your sales contract. This can range from the refrigerator and dishwasher to washer and dryer. It's important that you follow these contractual agreements exactly.
  • Manuals: Be sure to leave the new owners a folder full of all appliance and system manuals. This will make their transition into a new home a breeze.
  • Extra Keys: Even though many homeowners will change their locks, you may have extra keys laying around for sheds, front doors, and garage doors. Consider leaving these behind. You'll have no use for them and the new owner may appreciate not having to make copies right away.
  • Security alarm and garage door codes: There's nothing more frustrating than having a fancy garage door with code access ... and no codes or manual for resetting. Be kind and leave behind either the manual or instructions!
  • Warranty Information: Your home warranties will transfer to the new owner upon sale of the home. Leave all this information behind.
  • Service Contacts: It takes new homeowners a while to get their bearings. There's a lot of services that need to be signed up for. If you have recommendations for lawn care, pool service, and even handymen then leave those contact numbers behind on a sheet of paper. This will save the new owner a lot of legwork!Finally, it's important to not leave behind loads of junk and clutter for the new homeowner to sort and discard. Try and leave the home clean and ready for the new owner. They'll appreciate the fresh start you're offering.
    Moving is an exciting time! Spread the moving karma by leaving behind all important pieces of information and maybe the seller of your new home will do the same!

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