Monday, November 15, 2010

Sellers: Don't Let Emotions Rule

Provided By Realty Times
Written By Carla Hill

It can be easy for the selling experience to become clouded by emotion. A homeowner may have years of memories stored within the walls of a home. They look at a room, and instead of resale potential, they see a baby's first steps and early Christmas mornings. When the time comes to sell, however, the time has also come to sever emotional ties with a house.

Emotions can cloud your reasoning. And they can misguide you during a very expensive and important business transaction. Sellers sometimes overvalue their homes, adding in sentimental value on top of property value. They refuse offers that, while reasonable, don't add up to the value of their memories. Or they turn down a potential buyer, because they don't garden and won't "leave the rose bushes," or aren't the "type" of person they'd like living in their home.

For a smooth transition, hire an experienced real estate agent. Once you've turned yourself over to their guidance, you can then turn your focus onto the new phase of your life. And agent can help you establish a fair, and unbiased, asking price. They find the sellers. They show the house. And they help you sign on the dotted line. The middle man is extremely beneficial in separating from your emotions.

Your emotions may surface as soon as you list the house for sale, since many agents will suggest you remove many of your personal items from the house for staging. This is neither a personal attack on your decorating nor your memories. Staging is a wonderful way for homeowners to see the house as their future home, instead of seeing your house and your home.

Don't fret over lost memories; take pictures of your home and make a scrapbook. Channel your emotions into the joy of moving. And have fun imagining the new memories you'll make in your new place. This is not a time for mourning, instead it's a time for celebrating!

Are you ready to sell your home? Give us a call at 972-772-7000 or email us at

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