Friday, July 16, 2010

Entertain With Style

Provided By My Home Ideas
Written By Heather Chadduck

Recipe for Success: "I like to have sit-down dinner parties with several courses. It's a treat for my guests to waited on -- no one my age does that anymore. I always try to invite new people into my group of friends. It makes for good conversation, then guests settle in and hang out."

Recipe for Disaster: "Don't serve something you've never made before. I tried to branch out and make roasted red pepper soup once, but I put too many peppers in the blender and the lid flew off. People were walking through the door and I was wiping soup off the walls."

Old World Chic

When I was looking for a house, one of the criteria was a dining room big enough for my 9-foot-long table -- I can seat 10 people comfortably though the room is only 11 by 14 feet," says Heather.

"As for the chandelier, the bigger the better. The more arms that spread out in a room, the better the light," she says. "I put this one on a dimmer switch."
Use What You Love

"Everything I own is mismatched," says Heather. "I have a passion for collecting anything that's used for entertaining."

To act as a placecard, she stamped leger paper with a guest's name for each setting.
Think Outside the Flower Box

Since Heather's table is extra long, she likes to make several arrangements that all of her guests can enjoy while seated. She created this fuss-free arrangement with items from the grocer's vegetable section. The vases are wrapped in the same ledger paper she used to create place cards.
Add a Personal Touch

For her dinner parties, Heather likes to do the cooking. "My signature dish is vichyssoise," she says. "I make it the day before, put it in julep cups on a tray, and keep it in the fridge all night. When guests walk in, I had them a cup and a spoon and everone has their first course standing up."

Are you wanting a new home so you can start hosting your very own dinner parties? Give us a call at 972-772-7000 or email us at


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