Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to Keep Your Focus Despite Summer Attractions/Disctractions...

One of the greatest things about being in Sales, and especially Real Estate Sales, is the flexibility of your schedule. For many, this is one of the most appealing factors in their decision to go into this industry. With that comes a certain responsibility to both your company and yourself. And as we arrive at the start of summer already (where did the time go!), a definite amount of self-discipline needs to be put forth in order to keep focused on being the best performer you know you can be. Summer can be riddled with distractions and temptations. With a few short tips, you can keep your eye on the ball and have fun, too!
Everyone knows that they need to stay focuses and remain hungry for success, even in the summer. But knowing and doing tend to be two different things for many people. In fact they can be polar opposites. So even though you may know this, just think of it as a little refresher to keep you on track and strengthen your resolve.
For most of us, summer presents limitless opportunities for outdoor activities. Everything from picnics, running, golf, swimming, walking, relaxing or just worshipping the sun…and so many more. These are wonderful ways to spend our time and enjoy ourselves, but it has to be kept in mind that there is a time and place for all of this fun, and we need to be very smart about it.
Self-Discipline. Self-Control. Focus. These are the things that will separate you from your competition this summer. Those who don’t have the same commitment as you will wind up late in August complaining about how slow the summer was. If you do what you’re supposed to, you won’t be partaking in that conversation.
When it’s time to play, play and have a great time. Do what you love to do. Have fun. Have adventures. Relax. Whatever it is, do it and enjoy it fully. When it’s time to work, get to it and get results. Don’t just go through the motion, like showing up where you’re supposed to be, but wishing you were somewhere else. That type of approach is not only transparent to other people but it’s cheating yourself and your clients. Winners are those who do what they’re supposed to do, and more, with an attitude of expectation and purpose. They engage those around them and success is never far away.
This awareness of your mental focus and mindset is very powerful and the timing couldn’t be better right now. This realization is key to being at the top of your game this summer. In addition, here are 5 things you can do to give yourself and edge this summer (as the competition starts “happy hour” earlier and earlier each week):
Revisit and Keep Fresh in your mind the Goals you set for yourself at the start of the year.
-Many people start off the New Year like gang busters, being attentive to their goals, but after a few months that excitement and attention can fade. Get back to them and re-commit.
Keep visual “Focus” reminders nearby and in plain view.
-Whether it’s post-it notes on the side of your computer monitor with motivational reminder or it’s pictures of that Porsche SUV as the background of your cell phone, find visual reminders that say to you, “This is what we’re fighting for.
Daily Practice
-Start off your day with a plan before you even set foot out the door. This will develop consistency and train your mind to set goals each day that build on one another.
-Yes we had to sneak this one in there! You already know it increases your energy and makes you feel better…along with a multitude of other benefits. It also builds a habit of doing and that translates into other areas of your life. It lets you mind know that laziness of any kind will not be accepted.
-Set out to have a terrific summer with lots of fun and realize how much more enjoyable it will be with tremendous Sales numbers to back it up.
Remember, the summer should be fun and one of the most exciting times of the year. But if it’s all fun and no productivity, there will come a time when you regret the summer and you’ll be playing catch-up in the Fall. It doesn’t have to be that way. Having a plan to succeed in the summer is a powerful idea for successful people, and one that will surely benefit you and your company. Stay Confident, stay Motivated, stay Focused and have a memorable summer full of Great Times and Abundant Sales!!!
*Source: Mind Body & Sales for the Real Estate Professional 6.08

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